About $JU
Ju Rugan is a character based token based off of the famous Joe Rogan. As most know Joe holds weekly podcasts. And for this reason .... Ju Rugan is bringing podcasts to the blockchain, Ju Rugan was made and rugged by a developer soon taken over by the community, with this brought lots of strength and commitment by members. Ju plans to hold weekly informative podcasts live with different projects to help introduce and inform others on crypto as well as discuss current matters going on in the world. Further more amplified by humour filled videos and informative news! Come on the podcast Ju wants to meet you!
Latest podcasts
How to buy
Step 1
Download MetaMask or your wallet of choice just make sure it is Compatible with ETH you can do this in the App Store or Google Play Store for free, we recommend MetaMask due to its ease of use. Desktop users, download the web extension by going to MetaMask website and adding it as an extension.
Step 2
Get ETH. You can buy ETH directly within MetaMask or any other exchange. Or if you have another wallet with crypto already you can swap it for ETH or use a bridge to convert any crypto on another chain to ETH. Send this ETH to your MetaMask wallet. Now once you have your desired amount of ETH proceed to step 3
Step 3
In MetaMask navigate to the far right, this is the browser inside of MetaMask or use the desired wallet you have chosen.
Connect this wallet you are using to either Uniswap. Look up $Ju and swap from ETH > $Ju.
The contact address of $Ju is : 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000.
Make sure you save a little bit of ETH for covering gas fees for the transaction.